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Hey :) I’m Irvina

I grew up with parents who advocated for the underdog and commissioned me to paint my drawings on new furniture. So when I got a job at an addiction rehab and said, “This system is all wrong” they replied, “Atta girl.”

As a result, I parlayed my background in writing, marketing, and teaching into founding a non-profit that used street art as a preventive mental health initiative—sparing people the emotional and financial burden of illness and treatment.

Later, I used these skills to support healthcare companies create new prevention models. Now, I write, consult, and speak on mental health prevention, community engagement, and creativity in a fresh and playful way.

Being a witness to those in pain (and experiencing my own), my dream is that we collectively start to think with a prevention mindset. One where we stop cycles from starting and instead help people fulfill their potential and give back to their communities—that’s my kinda system.


“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”




Started working in healthcare


Implemented healthcare prevention in schools


Authored, How To: Rewrite Beautiful


Currently, eating a Morning Bun at Tartine



Irvina Kanarek has an extensive background in healthcare. Having worked directly with patients and clinicians, as well as in marketing and with executive teams—she has a unique holistic perspective. Inspired by her experiences with addiction rehab patients, she started Rewrite Beautiful, a non-profit with a preventive mental healthcare initiative. In six years the organization served over 6,000 people from the USA to Korea.

Known as an advocate for prevention, Irvina has been a writer and commentator for the Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register. She has spoken at the University of California Irvine, Cal State Fullerton, and many more. Irvina is the author of How To: Rewrite Beautiful; a book with an alternative way of seeing beauty as actions; creativity, kindness, and strength.

Her specialties are strategy, writing, and public speaking. She’s passionate about finding creative solutions to complex social issues and loves working with those who do too.




How To: Rewrite Beautiful